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irāmānusan aḍiyārkal


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Srimathe Ramanujaya Namaha

Srimad Varavara Munaye Namaha


வையத்து வாழ்வீர்காள்! நாமும் நம் பாவைக்குச்

செய்யும் கிரிசைகள் கேளீரோ, பாற்கடலுள்

பையத் துயின்ற பரமனடி பாடி

நெய்யுண்ணோம் பாலுண்ணோம் நாட்காலே நீராடி

மையிட்டு எழுதோம் மலரிட்டு நாம் முடியோம்

செய்யாதன செய்யோம் தீக்குறளை சென்று ஓதோம்

ஐயமும் பிச்சையும் ஆந்தனையும் கைகாட்டி

உய்யுமாறு எண்ணி உகந்து  ஏல் ஓர் எம்பாவாய்.


vaiyaththu vázhvIrkaaL!  naamum nampávaikkuc *

ceyyum kiricaikaL keLiro * páR kataluL

paiyath thuyinRa paraman ati pádi *

neyy uññOm paal uññom naatkaalE neerádi *

mayyittu ezhuthom malarittu naam mutiyOm *

ceyyaathana ceyyom thee kuraLai cendrothom *

aiyamum piccaiyum anthanaiyum kai kátti *

uyyumáRu eññi ukanthu El or empáváy



vaiyaththu vaazhvIrkaaL (those thriving lives of this world)

This word refers to those of us, who in spite of being born amidst the abundant ignorance of this world, have chanced upon the opportunity to chant "Srimathe Ramanujaya Namah" and osmose the divine beauty of his sacred-thread, sacred-staff and saffron robes. 


naamum (us)

This points to those of us who practice nihilism towards all things materialistic in this world and have Sri Ramanuja's Lotus-Feet as his sole refuge. It also means those who have accepted and adhere to the axiom that Emperumanar alone is the goal and the means for salvation.


nam paavaikku (our icon)

It means the core principle held by this group who sing the praises of their preceptor with no other expectation!


ceyyum kiricaikaL (the deeds we indulge in)

The actions undertaken with the fact that since we have resorted to the feet of Emperumanar, there isn't anything else we need to do (as a means to attain liberation). It also refers to those activities we perform to be better receptacles of your grace.


kELIrO (pay heed)

Andal cries out to those who consider their Acharyan as just another human being and reminds them of something important - the surest way to salvation in this world of ignorance is devotion towards ones preceptor!


paar kadalul (in the ocean of milk)

in the ocean of Emperuman Sriman Narayana's auspicious and divine qualities.


paiyath thuyinRa (in a transcendental sleep)

one who is in a state of divine trance having meditated long and deep, experiencing the boundless bounties of God, which automatically reject all attachment and affiliation to all other things but itself.

paraman (the Surpeme One)

Thus cognizant of Emperuman, the supremacy of Emperumanar lies in the fact that he extended his help in allowing hordes of others to delve in to the nature, beauty of the Lord and have the same sppiritual exodus as he did.


ati paati (to sing in praise of the Lotus Feet)

To sing with exuberant tones, the many praises of the Divine Lotus Feet os Swami Ramanuja


neyy uNNOm paal uNNOm (will not consume ghee, milk)

we have lost all taste for luxuries having realized the value of your(Swami Ramanuja's) riches!


nIraati (bathe in early hours)

We will strive to work towards gaining more virtuous qualities and seek to drown further in the auspiciousness of your characteristics.


ezhuthOm (will not use Kohl - eye cosmetics)

we will not undertake the path of Jgnyana Yoga [which makes us see the fundamental truths better, much like Kohl when applied to the eyes, makes the eyes be seen better]


malarittu naam mutiyOm (will refrain from braiding our hair, ornamenting with flowers)

Will not undertake Bhakti Yoga as a means. (Just like flowers are pleasant, Bhakti Yoga will feel pleasureable. However, it is not the right means for a jivathma to achieve God.)


ceyyaathana ceyyOm (will abstain from erring)

We will undertake only those activities that our forefathers have done. The activities that have been closely followed by out preceptors. Just like you have chosen to closely follow the explanatory work of Bhagavad Bodhayana.

thIkkuRaLai cenROthOm (will speak no evil)

we will not utter any words that will hurt anyone, will remain mute instead.


aiyamum piccaiyum

we will partake with others devotion towards the Lord and affection towards the Preceptors in large and small measures!


ánthanaiyum kai kátti (to the righteous we shall donate)

to the extent that each one can undertake. To give them a sense of repose and yearning but having them undertake some form of service.


uyyumaaRu (to acclivate)

to remind them of the Six Utterances of Devaperumal of Kanchipuram to Swami Ramanuja:

1. I am the Supreme Reality

2. The philosophy is one of contrast

3. The means is one of Pious Resignation

4. To be contemplative at final moments is optional.

5. Liberation is at the time of shedding the material body.

6. Kindly take shelter of a Complete Preceptor (Poornácharya = Periya Nambigal)


eNNi ukanthu (in blissful contemplation of)

just to sit and ruminate with these thoughts gives one immense satisfaction and that is being reminded here by Andal.


Azhwár Emperumánár Jeer Tiruvadigale Sharanam


thenkalai color

Srimathe Ramanujaya Namaha

Srimad Varavara Munaye Namaha


மார்கழித் திங்கள்மதி நிறைந்த நன்னாளால்

 நீராட போதுவீர்போதுமினோநேரிழையீர்

சீர் மல்கும் ஆய்பாடிச் செல்வச் சிறுமீர்காள்

 கூர் வேல் கொடுந்தொழிலன் நந்தகோபன் குமரன்

ஏரார்ந்த கண்ணி யசோதை இளஞ்சிங்கம்

 கார்மேனிச் செங்கண் கதிர் மதியம் போல் முகத்தான்

நாராயணனே நமக்கே பறை தருவான்

 பாரோர் புகழப் படிந்து ஏல் ஓர் எம்பாவாய்.


márgazhi thingal madhi niraindha nannaLál

niráda podhuvir, podhu mino nerizhaiyeer

seermalgum áyppádi chelva chirumeergal

koorvel kodunthozhilan nandagopan kumaran

erarndha kañi yasodhai ilan singam

karmeni chengañ kadir madiyam pol mugathán

náráyanane namakke parai tharuván

páror pugazha-p padinthelor empavái.

márgazhi (the month Márgazhi)

The name of this month in Sanskrit is "Márgaseersham". This translates as being the head or chief of "márgam" ie means or paths. Thus this word establishes that Prapatti is the best means and that the Sriya:pathi alone is our means to deliverance.

thingal madhi (Moon-light)

Unlike the heat of the Sun, this word refers to knowledge that is like the light of the Moon, which is is pleasant, easy and is one that confers bliss on all humankind. This can mean knowledge of the Tiruváimozi and knowledge gained from the Tiruváimozhi alone!

niraindha (replete with)

Srivaishnavás consider Swami Ramanuja to be the foster-mother of the Tiruváimozhi. He is also considered as one who has the complete realization of the Tiruváimozhi of Swami Nammazhwár. Thus, this is a time which is replete with the grace of such a Venerable One as Swami Ramanuja.

nannaLál (propitious day)

The auspiciousness is lent to this day because of the fact that Swami Ramanuja has obtained the knowledge of the Tiruváimozhi afresh today by way of the divine grace of Sri Ranganáthá, Swami Nammázhwár and Tirumangai Azhwár. Our Yathirájar is the Swan that resides in the grace of the Lotus-feet of Sri Ranganatha and is the figurative bee that delves in the nectar of the lotus-feet of Swami Nammazhwar and Tirumangai Azhwar.

ál (amazement)

an exclamation made because of the fact that - inspite of not having any inherent goodness, we have been fortunate enoguh to have been blessed with a serendipitous occassion as today!

neeráda (to bathe in)

This means to bathe in:

1. The sea of Vaishnavás who are well versed in the Vedás

2. The collective group of distinguished Bhágavathás who have taken refuge at the feet of Swami Rámánuja

That is, to realize the true purport of the Tiruváimozhi, which advocates servitude and shelter at the feet of those who are servants to the Lord.

podhuvir podhu mino (those going, please go)

Those with the desire to go (to Vaikuntha ParamaPadam)! Take the lead in going to take refuge at the Lotus-feet of Emperumánár. All you need is a taste (for this). Emperumánár is one who will accept you and give you deliverance irrespective of all your faults, birth and nature.

nerizhaiyeer (those wearing beautiful jewels)

Those with the jewels of knowledge, austerities and the primary qualities of tranquility and self-restraint as said by Lokáchariar. It is only with these characteristics, one can approach and Achárya. It is only by the grace of an Achárya and our concomitance with him, we get delivered to the Eternal Vaikuntham. Thus, these characteristics become necessary.

Seermalgum (affluence)

This refers to the ample grace and forbearance of an Achárya towards his disciples. In this context, the immense mercy of our Yathirája and his radiance, patience, fame and clairvoyant knowledge are to be recalled as spelt out by Tiruvarangatthu Amudhanár.

áyppádi (Vrindávan/Gokulam)

Those like Kooratházhwán and Tiruvarangatthu-Amudhanár feel that they are like the simple folks of cowherd families resident in Vrindávan or Gokulam, who typically have no knowledge of areas like metaphysics and ontology, or do not possess a strict disciplinary way of life out of the abject humility that fills their hearts. Thus, Tiruvarangam Periya Kovil becomes equal to the Tiru-ayarpádi because the same kinds of people populate both places.

chelva chirumeergal (rich young girls)

The wealth referred to here is Swami Ramanuja who is in complete possession of the limitless experiences expounded by Sri Náthamuni.

koorvel (sharp spear)

The Tridañdam of Sri Rámánuja is akin to the sharp spear that is used to attack ones enemies. It is referred to as the "vajra dañdam tridañdam" is the Dháti Panchakam. It is the impression that his staff gives to those who dared to face our Sri Bháshyakárar in debates about philosophy.

kodunthozhilan (brutal)

Udayavar, as Swami Ramanuja was fondly known, was unforgiving to those who oppossed and advocated heterodoxy of the Visishtadvaitha doctrine. They were all suppressed by way of debates, elocution, books and poetry that were composed by Swami Ramanuja, his contemporaries and his disciples.

nandagopan (Nandagopala)

Much like Nandagopala was the father of Sri Krishna, Yathirajar was the father to the utsava vigraha perumal of Tirunáráyanapuram - Yathirája Sampath Kumárar. Thus since they both share a paternal relation with the Lord, the word Nandagopan can refer to Swami Ramanuja.

kumaran (little one)

One who is modest and subservient to his elders. Swami Ramanuja was extremely attached an subservient to the feet of Swami Yamunacharya, with whom he shared a relationship like that of Ekalvya and Drona.

erarndha kaññi (one with beautiful eyes)

Here beauty refers to the ability that one is in possession of when they are able to see things for what they are, and bring out the esoteric meanings contained within without a loss in quality. Swami Ramanuja is the epitome of this beauty and is considered a sea of pristine intellect.

yasodhai (Yashodha)

yasya = fame. yashodha = one who gives fame.

Just as Kannan Emperumán achieved a lot of fame when he allowed himself to be tied to a mortar and was conferred with the title Dámodara, Emperumánár allows us to tie his Lotus feet to our souls by means of the chords of Bhakti and helps us attain fame as Great Bhágavathás!

ilan singam (young lion)

Swami Ramanuja can be considered to be one with the ferocity and gait of a young lion.

(one can also recall the famous saying of Sri Mudaliyándán "oru malaiyil ninru, oru malaiyil thaavum semha shareeraththil janthukkaL pole bhaashyakaarar samsaara álanganam pañña avarOdundaana kudal-thudakkaale naam udhdheerñar aavuthom enru muthaliyaandaruLi-ch-cheytha paasuram")

kármeni (dark complexioned)

One with the complexion of magnanimity as that of the clouds. Just as clouds bear the rains, Swami Rámánuja showers us with abundant knowledge.

chengañ (red-eyes)

one whose eyes have reddened and tear-filled owing to his tender affection towards us.

kadir madiyam pol mugathán (like the sun and a face like the moon)

Because of his dual-nature of being relentless to his foes (who misinterpret the true message of the Vedás) and yet compassionate to those who surrender to him, his radiance is compared to the burning Sun and the soothing Moon.

náráyañane (Sriman Náráyana, Lord of the twin-realms)

Upon employing a compounding statement, Náráyaña can mean one who owns the twin realms (ubhaya vibhuti) of the Nitya (eternal) vibhuti and Leela (amusement) vibhuti. In our sampradáyam, it is none other than Sriman Náráyaña. However, when Sri Rámánuja visits Thiruvarangam Periya Kovil, Sri Ranganátha confers him with full rights over the twin-realms, thus in a sense allowing us this interpretation.

namakke (us)

It should be read as "One who is so lowly in stature as us". Such lowly ones cannot be delivered unless we get the divine grace of Sri Rámánuja. Thus "us" here can also mean those of us who have sought refuge in nothing other that the merciful and divine grace of Swami Emperumánár.

parai tharuván (will bless us)

Swami Ramanuja will bless us with the supreme experiences and engagement in spiritual services to the Surpeme Lord Sriman Narayana.

páror pugazha (people's praise)

We will recieve praise from the venerable ones who take refuge at the feet of Swami Rámánuja, The revered ones that fill the streets of Tirukurukoor, and enlightened ones such as Sri Náthamuni as a result of the above blessings.

padinthu (immersing)

All this is as a result of immersing ourselves at the feet of the True Scion and the only Uplifting-Preceptor Swami Rámánujáchárya.


Azhwár Emperumánár Jeer Tiruvadigale Sharanam


Srimathe Ramanujaya Namaha      Srimad Varavara Munaye Namaha

Vijaya Varusham Kaisika Ekadesi Celebrations 





Srimathe Ramanujaya Namaha

Srimad Varavara Munaye Namaha


VEDICS Foundation is pleased to present some media resources collected at the 85th Tirunakshatra Mahotsavams of Srimad Vedamargaparathisthapanacharya Ubhaya vedanthacharya Paramahamsa Parivrajakacharya Srirangam Sri Ranga Narayana Jeer Swami. 

Some important information regarding the current pontiff:

  • 50th peetha adipathi (pontifical seat)
  • Poorvashrama sambandham : Kongilachan
  • Donated Andal elephant (present Elephant serving Srirangam Periya Kovil Devasthanam)

The function was well attended by several stalwarts of the sath sampradayam at the Srirangam Mutt premises at Vadakku vasal. A grand thadeeyaraadhanai followed to honour all of those who were present at the function.


Azhwar Emperumanar Jeeyar Tiruvadigale Sharanam

Q:  From time immemorial, which is the most important source book for the religion of our country?





Significance of Pavithrothsavam






Azhwar Emperumānār Jeer Thiruvadigale Sharanam




Šri Periya Vácchán Pillai Thirunakshathiram Celebrations






Šri Periya Vácchán Pillai ThiruvadigalE Sharanam

Azhwar Emperumānār Jeer Thiruvadigale Sharanam

andal mannar

Read the article  Andalukku Arangan Anuppi AruLiya Madal in Tamil (PDF) by SriVaishnava Sri. Krishnamachariar.


Srimathe Rāmānujāya Namaha

Srimad Varavara Munaye Namaha

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VEDICS Foundation presents:

Kōdhayin Pārvayil

(Online Tiru-ādi pooram celebrations)


Srivaikuntha virakthāya, swami pushkarañi thate|

ramaya ramamāñāya, venkateśaya mangalam||

This is a mangala shlokam recited on a daily basis in all homes. It is a verse that prays for all auspiciousness to the Lord of the Tiruvenkata Hills, who decided to take up domicile on the banks of Swami Pushkarani (sacred pond) in order to sport with His Divine Consort, being indifferent and averse to (the pleasures and luxuries of) Srivaikuntham. The extents of his pastimes (leela) are unknown and the delights that we experience because of these manifestations of His are infinite. However, in spite of His many attempts to incarnate as one amongst us transmigratory humans, He has been found to be incapable of completely concealing His true nature - that of being the Paramatma, Sriman Narayana, Purushottama, Asmad Swamin (Supreme soul, Consort of Lakshmi and abode of living souls , Ultimate being among men, My Lord).

The one person who bears the unique distinction of being capable to have balanced both extremes of having incarnated from the Supreme Realm and conceal entirely amongst the transmigratory is Sri Āndal. As Swami Manavāla Māmunigal refers to in his Upadesa Rathinalamai (#22):

indro thiruvādi pooram, yemakkāga

andro ingu Āndāl avathariththāl – kundrādha

vāzhvāna vaikuntha vān bhogam thannai igazhndhu

āzhwār thirumagalārāi


Unable to bear the plight of our mundane existence, Sri Āndāl took birth as the divine daughter of Periāzhwār in Srivilliputhur. Commentrators for the above poem mention that as a mother would jump into a well to save her children, Mother Āndāl did the same for all of us. She jumped into this well that Nammāzhwār aptly describes as "thoorākkuzhi" in his Thiruvāimozhi. She lived as one amongst us and has led us all in our efforts to overcome this bondage and in our path to deliverance She has given us two beautiful prabandhams - Thiruppavai and Nāychiyār Thirumozhi. The Thiruppavai, comprising of 30 songs, is famous for its recitation during early hours of the day for the whole of the Mārgazhi (Dhanur - Dec to Jan) month. The Nāychiyār Thirumozhi is a collection of 143 poems, describes Āndāl's longing for the hand of the Lord in marriage. In all of her time here on Earth, she has always sought communion with Lord Krishnā, has done it at the behest of her Āchārya (preceptor - Sri Periāzhwār) and has made those around her accompany her all along. She assumes the role of a Gopika (cowherd girl) belonging to Vrindavan, assumes Srivilliputhiur to be Tiru-ayar-pādi (Vrindāvan), all the beings of Srivilliputhur to be her fellows and play-mates - all of whom she considers contemporaries of Sri Krishnā. She indulges the readers of her songs to be part of this group too and transports us to a realm of divine indulgence, where we feel that we can just reach out and touch our beloved Kannan Emperumān as well.

So, this Ādi month - Pooram asterism which happens to be the auspicious date of Andal's birth, let us all celebrate by spending a small amount of time listening to the glories of Āndāl as told to us by several scholars living in India. Several people across age, gender and other barriers have come forward to kindly share the glories of Āndāl. We hope you delight in this series of lecture-celebrations. Kindly share the joy of Āndāl's divine experiences with all your friends and family and invite them to be a part of Sri Āndāl's fold.

 The following are the details of the lectures:

Divyadesa Thondu by Sri U. Ve Therazhundhur Hari Sundar Swami

SriVaishnava Lakshanam by Sri. U. Ve. Paravasthu Varadarajan Swami

Acharya Nishtai by Smt. Asoori Sudha Ammangar

Indro Thiruvadippooram song by Anuvratha Narasimhan

Andalukku Arangan anuppiya Madal by Sri. U. Ve. Krishnamachariar swami ( SriVaishnavaSri Swami).



Sri Āndāl Thiruvadigale Sharanam

Azhwar Emperumānār Jeer Thiruvadigale Sharanam

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