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Chapter3: CHETHANA (Jiva)-12

Q:  Does the Lord handout rewards and punishments for the good and bad deeds of the living entity in the running life of the individual or in the subsequent lives?

 A:  Generally, the cumulative deeds of good and bad of the living entity over the past many lives are added to the ‘sanchitha karma’ and in the later birth, a part of it gets transferred to ‘praarabda karma’, which term, as already explained is ready for reward or punishment. However, the reward has certain regulations.

“Athiyuthkataiha punya paapai ihaiva phalamasnuthe!
Thribhir varshas, thribhir maasais, thribhir pakshaha, thribhir dinaha!!”

(The living entity earns the reward or punishment in that very life, if the good or bad deeds are too intense.  The reward, which depends upon the intensity of the karma, is handed out within three years or within three months or within three fortnights or within three days.) According to this, cruel (of asura quality) living entities like Hiranya and Ravana are awarded appropriate punishments for their immense sins in that very life itself. We also see noble individuals like Dhruva earning handsome rewards for the intense noble conduct in that very life. The saasthraas also declare that individuals, who seek relief by engaging themselves in noble deeds are rewarded in that very life itself.


The Q&A of the day is an excerpt from "Two-fold Vedic Vision", a Sri Vaishnavite handbook based on Sri Sudarsanar’s 1008 Catechisms in Tamil written by Sri. Kidambi Sridharan. The collection contains invaluable information on the Vedas, Upanishads, Puranas, Ithihasas, the lives of Alwars, Acharyas from Sriman Nathamunigal to Sri Manavala Mamuni, the 108 Divya Desams and answers to various other related questions.  This book is available for kindle in e-book format for purchase on Amazon.

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