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Chapter3: CHETHANA (Jiva)-6

Q:  What is the need for the Lord, who is not given to mundane mirth and joy to have consorts like Sridevi, Bhoodevi etc? Do the consorts belong to the category of the living entities (‘jivas’)?

 A:  The petty mundane pleasures of the world like consorts have no significance to the Supreme Lord. It has to be appreciated that the Lord, like a father has to discharge the onerous responsibility of having to handout harsh treatment to the erring living entities and is in an unenviable and provocative situation, which may impair one of His most important qualities of accessibility. Paradoxially, in order to preserve this maternal trait, He has created consorts to lovingly intercede on behalf of the living entities and this role of the consorts give them a special name, ‘purusha kaara bhoothaas’, which means those who commend and conciliate. The consorts do not have any sign of harshness towards the living entities and are in fact created to possess the traits of love and grace in excess of what the Lord Himself possesses. Therefore the consorts’ ever presence does not diminish the stature and personality of the Lord. It should be noted that the saasthras (vedic codes) do not mention any mundane relationship between Him and His consorts. As the saasthras mention there is only one Supreme Lord (‘eko Easwara’), the consorts like Sridevi, Bhoodevi etc.  are accorded a prime place among the living entities only. The acharyas have overwhelmingly affirmed this.


The Q&A of the day is an excerpt from "Two-fold Vedic Vision", a Sri Vaishnavite handbook based on Sri Sudarsanar’s 1008 Catechisms in Tamil written by Sri. Kidambi Sridharan. The collection contains invaluable information on the Vedas, Upanishads, Puranas, Ithihasas, the lives of Alwars, Acharyas from Sriman Nathamunigal to Sri Manavala Mamuni, the 108 Divya Desams and answers to various other related questions.  This book is available for kindle in e-book format for purchase on Amazon.

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