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Chapter2: The Super soul-2

Q:  Does the Super-soul have an auspicious physical frame (vigraha), if so what is the nature of it?

 A:  The Super-soul has an auspicious super-elemental (‘apraakrutha’) physical frame. The earthly physical frame or bodies, made up of elements are of three qualities, namely, sathva (sober or stoic), rajas (aggressive or regal) and thamas (crude or primitive) The living entity acquires a body made up of the above three qualities in proportion to the good and bad deeds (‘karma’) of the past. As is obvious from the names, the three qualities are graded in that order. These three qualities of sathva, rajas and thamas belong to the earthly raw or gross material (‘moola prakrithi’) and the worldly physical bodies, which comprise of these qualities are elementally earthly (‘praakrutha’). The physical frames in the abode of the Lord (‘parama pada’) is made up of sathva guna only and they are free from the other two inferior qualities namely, rajas and thamas.  The body of the Supreme Lord (‘apraakrutha sareera’) is also made up of sathva guna only and is free from the deficiencies of the elemental body (‘praakrutha sareera’), which are inherently capable of blurring knowledge. The body of the Supreme Lord, which is above the elemental limitations is self-enlightening and is capable of spreading light (knowledge). Unlike the elemental body of the living entity, which is influenced by the effects of good and past deeds (karma), the body of the Supreme Lord is not only free from the influence of karma, it is capable of protecting the living entity from the various blemishes and by His will possesses an incomparable blaze of light.


The Q&A of the day is an excerpt from "Two-fold Vedic Vision", a Sri Vaishnavite handbook based on Sri Sudarsanar’s 1008 Catechisms in Tamil written by Sri. Kidambi Sridharan. The collection contains invaluable information on the Vedas, Upanishads, Puranas, Ithihasas, the lives of Alwars, Acharyas from Sriman Nathamunigal to Sri Manavala Mamuni, the 108 Divya Desams and answers to various other related questions.  This book is available for kindle in e-book format for purchase on Amazon.

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