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Tirumêyyam updates


Āļvār Êmpêrumāňār Jīyar Tiruvaḍigaḻe Śaraṇam

Following is the brief report trascribed from Tirukkoṣṭiyūr Śrī U Ve Mādhavan Svāmī's video update. 

Recently, some unfortunate incidents have happened in Tirumêyyam Divyadeśam causing harm to Sarveśvaran and his close Kaiṁkaryaprars. Perumāḻ had traveled about 20 km to Kaḻaiyakkuḍi village to grace the Citrāpaurṇamī Mahotsavam there. On His way back to Tirumêyyam, at about 2 am in the morning of the 5th of May, a sand-lorry ran into the back of Perumāḻ’s Tiruppallakku (palanquin). In this saddest of events, six of Perumāḻ’s own Bhāgavatas sacrificed their lives. The Tirupallakku got thrown aside and Perumāḻ Himself……….fell down.

In repentance of letting this most unfortunate event happen, we prayed to Perumāḻ begging for his tolerance. Under the guidance of elders, we brought Perumāḻ to Tirumêyyam temple and performed a Laghu Tirumañjaňam. The departed Bhāgavatas were taken to their residences in Sannidhi Street (the main street leading to the temple), where rites were duly conducted. At about 7 pm, the Sannidhi was ceremonially purified with Pañcagavyam, Puṇyāhavācanam, Agnipratiṣṭai, Vāstuśānti, and Pañcagavya Tirumañjaňam, all the while praying Êmperumāň and Āļvār Êmpêrumāňār Jīyar Tiruvaḍigaḻ for His protection from all Doṣams and accidents. After this, Perumāḻ was seated in the Ardhamaṇṭapam (the room in front of the Garbhagṛham).

Perumāḻ’s Tirumeňi (Vigraham) had suffered considerably in the impact. His Upper Body had bent backwards and the Back of His Feet had 3-inch long bruises. Perumāḻ’s Left Hand too had suffered lesions. The temple’s governing body and the Government of Tamiļ Nāḍu were immediately contacted to authorize restoration of Perumāḻ’s Tirumeňi so as to resume Tiruvārādhaňam to Him. The good-hearted authorities promptly granted permission. Soon after, expert sthapatins with long experience in the restoration of Pañcaloha Vigrahams were summoned from places including Svāmimalai and Tirukkuḍandai. With Perumāḻ’s anugraham, His Tirumeňi was brought back to the original form.

Following this, in the evening of the 10th of May, we presented in front of Perumāḻ and Āļvār Êmpêrumāňār Jīyar Tiruvaḍigaḻ a request to grant permission to perform a Laghu Saṁprokṣaṇam as a Prāyaścittam (Repentance) for letting Doṣams happen. On the evening of May 11th, with the grace of Ṣrī Ujjīvanavalli Nāyikā Sameta Ṣrī Satyamūrti Perumāḻ, the rituals of Mṛtsaṁgrahaṇam and Aṅkurārpaṇam were begun. In the morning of May 12th, Puṇyāhavācanam, Agnipratiṣṭai and Vāstuśānti were performed, followed by Tīrtha-Prokṣaṇam of the entire Sannidhi. Ubhayaveda Pārāyaṇam and ŚrīRāmāyaṇa Pārāyaṇam are being performed since May 11th.

Today, in this maṇṭapam, rituals for Perumāḻ’s Pratiṣṭai and Tirumeňi’s safety were commenced with Pradhāna Kalaśa Sthāpanam, following the injunctions of Śrī Vaikhānasa Bhagavat Śāstram. Accordingly, a Mahā Kalaśam was housed here with the performance for Mahā Śānti Homams twice a day today and tomorrow, along with other Viśeṣa Homams and Prāyaścitta Homams. In the evening of May 13th, Sapta Kalaśa Tirumañjaňam, Pañcagavya Tirumañjaňam, Adhivāsams (except Akṣimocanam), Prāyaścitta Tirumañjaňam and Mahā Ṣānti Tirumañjaňam are to be performed.


In the morning of May 14th, during the Ekādaśī Uttaraproṣṭapadā Śubhamuhūrtam (8:26 am – 9:57 am), a Laghu Saṁprokṣaṇam will be conducted to Perumāḻ, and followed by Aruḻicceyal and Vedapārāyaṇa Cāřřumuřai.

We pray at the feet of Empêrumāň and at Āļvār Êmpêrumāňār Jīyar Tiruvaḍigaḻ that tragic incidents like this never happen again.

Several Kaiṁkaryaparars are gracefully taking part in conducting this Laghu Pratiṣṭai and Yāgaśālai Kaiṁkaryams. Aruḻicceyal Goṣṭi Kaiṁkaryams are rendered as Kaiṁkaryam by Śrī Tirumaļicaiyār Svāmī and other Tiruvaḍi Saṁbandhis of Ṣrīmat Paramahaṁsa Parivrājakācārya Meya Malaiyāḻa Jīyar Svāmigaḻ. Yāgaśālai, Vedapārāyaṇam and Tadīyārādhaňai Kaiṁkaryams are supported by the Kaiṁkaryasthars of Vedics Foundation. Śrī U Ve Velukkudi Krishnan Svāmī has offered Paṭṭu Vastram to Perumāḻ. With the anugraham and assistance of Ṣrīmat Paramahaṁsa Parivrājakācārya Śrīman Nārāyaṇa Rāmānuja Ciňňa Jīyar Svāmigaḻ, all other Kaiṁkaryams – such as Tirumeňi Pariṣkāram, Sannidhi Pariṣkārams, Yāgaśālai Homa Dravyams, Pūrṇāhuti Dravyams, Paṭu Vastrams for Perumāḻ, Arcaka Svāmigaḻ Saṁbhāvanai and Kaiṁkaryams pertaining to Êmpêrumān’s Tirumeňi – are being performed by the Kaiṁkaryasthars of Tirukkoṣṭiyūr Śrī Saumyanārāyaṇaň Êmpêrumāňār Charitable Trust. The local devotees and Arcaka Svāmigaḻ are being very supportive and performing Kaiṁkaryams to their best.

Please view all the picture here.


May all Divyadeśams flourish well from now on.

May the Śrīsūktis of Āļvārs shine forth everywhere.

May the Êmpêrumāňs of Divyadeśams live with us and grace us ever happily.

May Śrīvaiṣṇavas do overwhelming Maṅgaḻāśāsanams to the Êmpêrumāňs and Aḍiyārs.

Aḍiyārgaḻ vāļa araṅganagar vāļa caṭakopaň taṇḍamiļnūl vāļa kaḍalcūļnda maňňulagam vāļa maṇavāḻa māmuňiye iňňumoru nūřřāṇḍirum!

Placing these Prārthanais at Êmpêrumāň Tiruvaḍigaḻ and Āļvār Êmpêrumāňār Jīyar Tiruvaḍigaḻ,

Aḍiyeň Rāmānuja Dāsaň.

Jaya Śrīman Nārāyaṇa!

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