The state of ‘vibhava’ take three forms:
1. The real incarnation or the direct descent
2. The state of dwelling in a living entity with His non-elemental body.
3. The state of specific charge (‘sakthi aavesa’) through His energy (‘sakthi’) and living within the living entity to perform certain specific tasks.
1. The incarnations: The real and direct incarnations are the well known, in the shape of a fish (mathsya), turtle (‘koorma’), boar
(‘varaha’), Man-lion (Narasimha), the great dwarf and the great conqueror (Vamana and Trivikrama), Sri Rama, Lord Krishna etc.
2. The Limited Charge: The incarnation as Parasu Rama is just a fractional charge (‘aavesa’) for a specific purpose.
3. The Energy Charge (‘Sakthi Aavesa’): As, Brahma, Rudra etc., the resources required for creation and dissolution are drawn from
the Supreme Lord.
The first mentioned direct incarnations are worship-worthy for attaining ‘moksha’. The other two forms are not worship-worthy for the attainment of ‘moksha’.
The Q&A of the day is an excerpt from "Two-fold Vedic Vision", a Sri Vaishnavite handbook based on Sri Sudarsanar’s 1008 Catechisms in Tamil written by Sri. Kidambi Sridharan. The collection contains invaluable information on the Vedas, Upanishads, Puranas, Ithihasas, the lives of Alwars, Acharyas from Sriman Nathamunigal to Sri Manavala Mamuni, the 108 Divya Desams and answers to various other related questions. This book is available for kindle in e-book format for purchase on Amazon.
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