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Live Report (2)
Sri:Srimathe Ramanujaya namahaSrimath Varavara Munaye namaha Report on the Renovation activities in Bhavishyadhacharyan Sannadhi - Dec 2007 From Sri M.R.Jegannathan (USA) Rajagopuram Final rajagopuram financial settlement were made to building contractors few months before. Renovated Rajagopuram is beautiful and looking majestic. Here is the link for the…
Sri:Srimathe Ramanujaya namahaSrimath Varavara Munaye namaha Azhvar and Acharya Thirunakshatram CelebrationsSri Venkateswara Lotus Temple, Virginia, USAReport from Sri TNC Narasimhan The month of Aippasi boasts many holy events like Deepavali and the Avatars of many Azhwars and Acharyas whose contributions are the concrete foundations for Sri Vaishnavism. It is…