Śrīmate Rāmānujāya Namaḥ
Śrīmad Varavaramunaye Namaḥ
Śrī Rāmānuja - Life & Philosophy by Prof. M.A.Lakshmi Thathachar & Dr.M.A.Alwar
yo nityam acyuta padāmbuja yugma rukma
vyāmohataḥ taditarāṇi tṛṇāya mene
asmad guroḥ bhagavato’sya dayaika sindhoḥ
rāmānujasya caraṇau śaraṇaṁ prapadye
On the auspicious occasion of Svāmī Rāmānuja's tirunakṣatram (cittiraiyil tiruvādirai of manmatha vaṛṣam), Vedics Foundation presents "Śrī Rāmānuja" , a series of snippets on Bhagavad Rāmānuja's life and works. Bhāgavatas are requested to read the articles and be blessed with true wisdom by the ocean of mercy - dayaika sindhuḥ – Svāmī Rāmānuja. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Prof. M. A. Lakshmi Thathachar and Dr. M. A. Alwar for the valuable knowledge imparted and the time and energy spent in the making of the book.
In our Śrī Vaiṣṇava Guru Paraṁparā Hāram (chain of preceptors), Svāmī Rāmānuja is the central jewel, the madhya maṇi, the nadu nāyakam. Let us all join together and echo Svāmī Maṇavāḻa Māmuňigaḻ’s maṅgaḻāśāsanam to the lotus feet of Svāmī Yatirājar.
vāļi etirācaň vāļi etirācaň
vāļi etirācaň eňa vāļttuvār – vāļi eňa
vāļttuvār vāļi eňa vāļttuvār tāḻiṇaiyil
tāļttuvār viṇṇor talai
– Ārttip Prabandham
Śrī Rāmānuja
Many philosophers have come and gone in this world, but the advent of a mystic philosopher is the rarest of rare events indeed. Mysticism is purely emotional and philosophy is purely logical. Yet Śrī Rāmānuja was able to bridge the gulf between the head and the heart and arrive at a universal philosophy. His compositions show a happy blending of a scholarly mind and a poetic heart.
The social reforms that he attempted to bring about show his great concern for the downtrodden. Knowing that all that is and all that is to come is only the manifestation of the Lord Himself, he lived without fear. For him, liberation and happiness were a single continuum which encompassed the physical, social, cultural, mental and spiritual spheres of human life. He made others see the Divine in man and the man in the Divine.