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Nalayira divya prabhandam - santhai recording

Srimathe Ramanujaya namaha
Srimathe Varavara Munaye namaha
thiruman 2
Samskrit Veda, in the Tamizh form is the nAlAyira divya prabhandham. The uniqueness & special significance that the nAlAyira divya prabhandham has been taught to us by our AchAryAs over the years, some of which are:

  • Many AchAryAs compare the Samskrit Veda to a big dumphill that contains very precious gems like diamonds, but also contains more ordinary and potentially useless material for the prapanna; the Samskrit Vedas contain not only the teaching/instructions towards attaining mOksha, but also contains numerous procedures for attaining material things (money, swarga, indra lOka etc.) – one has to very careful in taking the appropriate teachings that are appropriate to the nature of the soul from the Samskrit Vedas; whereas in the Tamizh Veda, every word is about the Lord and His devotees – hence, anything that one takes from the Tamizh Veda will lead the person to the superior goal.
  • Swami Ramanuja, in interpreting key aspects of the Brahma Sutra, relied upon the teachings of Swami Nammazhvar in thiruvAimozhi to get the right interpretation – especially with respect to the nature of the soul.
  • There is NO restriction on the learning/enjoying of the Tamizh Veda; anyone with a desire to learn, can learn from a qualified person, and enjoy the Bhagavad anubhavam without any restriction.
  • Swami maNavALa mAmunikaL says that those who think of the AzhvArs and the nAlAyira divya prabhandham as inferior will be caught in this hell of samsAra, and hence one should shudder to be close with such people.
  • In all temples, the Tamizh Veda is recited in processions in front of the Lord, which our elders say is because the Lord follows the TamizhVeda.
madhurakavai azhvar nathamuniSuch a beautiful treasure that we are bequeathed with is something that EVERY interested person should learn by heart, and enjoy the commentaries that our AchAryAs have given us. In this day & age, most people do not have direct access to a qualified teacher from whom the nAlAyira divya prabhandham can be learnt in a traditional manner. However, with modern technology, it is possible to enable the learning of the nAlAyira divya prabhandham anywhere. Vedics is in the process of bringing out a learning toolkit for the entire nAlAyira divya prabhandham.
In the traditional method of learning, students learn 50 paasurams from a teacher over 15 days. This procedure is called “santhai”.
For the first couple of days, the teacher recites each word of the pasuram, followed by the students repeating it 3 times.
For the next 2 or 3 days, the santhai proceeds with the teacher teaching with 2 words (or half a line) at a time.
For the next 2 or 3 days, the santhai continues with 1 line;
For the next 5 days, the santhai continues with 2 lines;
For the next 5 days, with the whole paasuram.
Towards the end of the 15 day period, the students will be able to recite the whole paasuram. For the next 15 days, a procedure called “thiruvai” is done where the paasurams learnt over the past 15 days are recited in addition to the new 50 paasurams santhai. Normally, the students and the teacher do not use any books during the whole process, and the paasurams learnt in this manner are in the memory of the student for a long time. With frequent “thiruvai”, or with frequent recitation of the paasurams in the temple goshtis, the paasurams are generally not forgotten.The keys to learning the paasurams are
(i) the traditional way of learning, and
(ii) learning from qualified people who not only have learnt it in the traditional manner, but also recite the paasurams regularly, or teach regularly to people.  Vedics Foundation has duplicated the above approach with learned scholars who recite naalaayira divya prabhandham at Sri Parthasarathi Swami temple at ThiruAllikeni. The entire traditional procedure of santhai is being recorded. The idea is for students to follow the santhai in the traditional manner by just putting on the recording, and “being” one of the students who repeat.  Over the next few years, we will release the entire nAlAyira divya prabhandham santhai in this manner.
Presently the following prabandhams are completly recorded in the sandhai manner:
Release Date
Neerattam, Poochudal, Kaapidal, Senniyongu
Kanninun Siruthaambu
Kovil Thiruvaimozhi
Ramanusa Nootrandhadhi
Thiruvaimozhi – 1 to 300
August 2007
Thiruvaimozhi – 301 to 500
October 2007
Thiruvaimozhi – 501 to 700
March 2008
Thiruvaimozhi – 700 to 1000
Nov 2008
azhvAr Emberumanar jeeyar thiruvadigalE saranam,
jeeyar thiruvadigalE saranam
Last modified on Friday, 26 July 2013 22:29
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