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Dear devotees
With Swami Ramanuja’s krupa and the blessings of sampradaya scholars, we at VEDICS Foundation are proud to announce the inauguration of a membership program to conduct many more educational projects.
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VEDICS Foundation, founded in 1999, run by a group of volunteers in USA, India, and other countries, is a registered non-profit 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization in the USA. VEDICS operates with Śrī. HH Kaliyan Vanamamalai Jeeyar Swami and Velukkudi Śrī. U. Ve. Krishnan Swami as their Patrons. Two primary objectives of VEDICS are
- Provide a platform for your entire family in the USA and all countries outside India, to learn the “must know” scriptures of Srivaishnva Sampradaya directly from scholars in India through tele-lectures and other online medium
- Provide financial assistance for renovation and maintenance of Divya Desams in India.
As part of the Education agenda
- VEDICS Foundation conducts Divya Prabandham santhai and stotra patams through tele-bridge for the past 10 years
- A unique structured study program “Be a Rāmānuja Sambandhi” was commenced in 2009 under the vision and leadership of Velukkudi Sri. U. Ve. Krishnan swami. The aim of this course is to learn the works of Swami Rāmānuja and other texts by 2017 which is his millennium year. So far, two modules, Vedartha Sangraha and Yatindra Mata Deepika, have been completed with a combined audience of over 300. Scholars from India deliver two discourses during weekends over the tele-bridge on a work of Swami Rāmānuja. Each module is about 40 discourses long.
- A 4 year program to learn the detailed meaning of Swami Nammazhwar’s Thiruvaimozhi has been started from March 2012 with 100 participants.
As part of Supporting Divya Desams
- VEDICS Foundation provides assistance in various forms to 23 Divya Desams. These include:
- Monthly financial assistance to Archakas, Paricharakas, Meykkaval and assisting in the day to day running of the temple
- Sponsors monthly/annual AzhvAr and AchArya Avathara utsavams
- Provides financial assistance to Temple Renovations, Samprokshanams & Thadheeyaradhanam
- Provides financial assistance to Mutts & AchArya Purushas
- Has taken part in important one-time events such Śrī KoorathAzhvAn’s 1000th year celebrations
- For the year ending 2011, kainkaryams to the tune of US $50,000 have been completed by VEDICS using the generous donations from many devotees
- Provides entire grocery / provisions for Thirumeyyam Divyadesam to take care of every day prasadam needs
- Employed a devotee to take care of many services including maintenance of Nandavanam at Thirukkannangudi and Koviladi Divya desams
In accordance to the divine wish and execution of Swami Rāmānuja, that all services and customs are being practiced in Divya Desams even today, VEDICS is planning to focus on enhancing the following aspects of few temples and develop them as role model temples:
In phase 1,
- Cleanliness
- Pushpam (Garland during the day and Saram in the Evening)
- Vastram (minimum of 6 sets to begin with and to improve every year)
- Provision / Grocery, oil, milk for prasadams and other needs
- Utsavam and Thirumanjanam at least on EkAdasi / Fortnightly
- An Archaka, a Paricharaka and a Watchman, all properly trained before taking charge of the temple
In phase 2,
- Nandavanam upkeep
- Pushkarini of the Temple would be cleaned, made operative and
- a cow would be donated and taken care year round
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With a contribution of $30 a quarter or $120 you will become a member
Membership benefits: For the little but useful contribution, a member gets:
- A complimentary copy of Srivaishnava Thematic Calendar designed by Velukkudi Śrī U. Ve. Krishnan swami during the first quarter of every year.
- To the member’s delight, free download of Velukkudi Śrī U Ve Krishnan Swami’s Upanyasam of about 30 hours each (or free copies of Sampradaya Books) during 2nd, 3rd and 4th quarters of the year.
- Online tutorial for Nithyanusandhanam, Dhivya Prabandham, Thiruvaradhana Kramam
- A kids section focusing on moral stories from our Acharyas Charitram
- Discounted price on most of the Upanyasam CD’s purchased through
- Preference in the unique Yatra’s arranged by Kinchitkaram Trust.
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With Swami Ramanuja’s krupa and the blessings of sampradaya scholars, we at VEDICS Foundation are proud to announce the inauguration of a membership program to conduct many more educational projects.