coming soon
Read: 10049
Q: What are the special features of the non-sentient and what are the varieties?
Read: 15875
Q: Do the prapannas get over the deficiency of lower genetic trait (‘jaathi’)?
Read: 13674
Q: Is it necessary for the ‘prapannas’ to follow the ‘varnaasrama dharma’ prescribed by the sasthras?
Read: 12516
Q: As said in he Upanishad, (ref: sentence commencing with the words, “naaya maathma”) and in the Thiruvaimozhi, “verithe arul seivar seivaarkatuku uganthu”, the Supreme Lord grants moksha to some, who do not practice any discipline through His causeless mercy (‘nirhethuka kripa’) and the saasthras mention the grant of moksha to those practicing karma, jnyana and bhakthi yogas. Who are the recipients of moksha through the causeless mercy of the Lord? Who are the recipients, causing the mercy of the Lord? How does this discrimination arise?
Read: 16331
Q: Does the most graceful Lord, display any initiative in mending the ways of the seeker of an inferior state of moksha like kaivalya, who is unwittingly engaged in exercises and guide him to the more desirable goal of moksha?
Read: 20699
Q: Who are the recipients of moksha through the causeless mercy of the Lord? Who are the recipients, causing the mercy of the Lord? How does this discrimination arise?
Read: 25238
Q: What causes the state of ‘kaivalya’, which is a lower state of moksha and what causes the higher state of ‘parama moksha’ of bliss with the Supreme Lord?
Read: 22608
Q: How, many types of ‘moksha’ are there and what are they?
Read: 22523
Q: What is the way out to destroy the entire effect of bad and good deeds?
Read: 22157
Q: Is it possible to wash away all our sins through noble and repentant deeds? Is it also possible to wash away the effect of good and bad deeds through retribution?
Read: 22081
Q: Does the Lord handout rewards and punishments for the good and bad deeds of the living entity in the running life of the individual or in the subsequent lives?
Read: 23274
Q: When a completed act ends there itself, how can that karma provide effective result later on?
Read: 23232
Q: How many types of good and bad karma are accumulated by each living entity from the beginning?
Read: 23751
Q: What is karma, which is the cause of restrictive characteristics of the elemental living entity called the ‘baddhas’?
Read: 25742
Q: Considering the special status that Sridevi enjoys among the consorts of the Lord and considering the form of address in the ‘Sri Sooktha’ as ‘Easwari’ (The Supreme Lady), is it appropriate for some people to treat her on par with the Lord?
Read: 24198
Q: Is there any difference between Sridevi and the other consorts like Bhoodevi?
Read: 24725
Q: What is the need for the Lord, who is not given to mundane mirth and joy to have consorts like Sridevi, Bhoodevi etc? Do the consorts belong to the category of the living entities (‘jivas’)?
Read: 25015
Q: Why does the Lord always keep the ‘baddhas’ at a lower level of knowledge and keep the ‘nithyas’ at a higher level of knowledge? Is this not an act of partiality?
Read: 25107
Q: What are the important characteristic features of the three types of living entities, namely, the baddhas, nithyaas and mukthaas?
Read: 29179
Q: Are there any differences in the personality (‘swaroopa’) of the three types of living entities?
Read: 30803
Q: How many varieties of living entities are there?
Read: 33615
Q: What are the important differences between the Supreme Lord or the Super-Soul and the living entity (samsaaree)?
Read: 35720
Q: What is the state of ‘archa’ (worshipable still form)?
Read: 35504
Q: What is the ‘antharyaami’ (omni-presence) state?
Read: 39457
Q: What is meant by the state of ‘vibhava’ (Incarnation or Manifestation)?
Read: 40270
Q: What is meant by the ‘vyooha’ (designed) state?
Read: 39494
Q: What is meant by the state of para ?
Read: 40032
Q: In what state does the Supreme Lord, carry out the running of the two 'vibhoothis’ namely, the world and His abode above?
Read: 44380
Q: What are the aspects of opulence called, ‘vibhoothi’ of the Supreme Lord?
Read: 42594
Q: Does the Super-soul have an auspicious physical frame (vigraha), if so what is the nature of it?
Read: 42573
Q: What are the important qualities of the Super-soul?
Read: 41540
Q: What are the important features of the religion of qualified monism (visishta-advaitha) preached by Sri Ramanuja?
Read: 42292
Q: What is the reason for the elders of yesteryears to frequently refer to and accord such an important
position to Vishnu Purana?
Read: 43519
Q: What is the meaning of the word, ‘purana’?
Read: 46432
Q: What is the meaning of the word, ‘ithihasa’?
Read: 44171
Q: Are Ithihasas and Puranas on par in terms of value?
Read: 44679
Q: Like the dharma sasthras, which does elucidate the anterior part of the Vedas and what works elucidate the posterior part of the Vedas, namely, the Upanishads?
Read: 43668
Q: What is the meaning of the word, ‘smrithi’? What are the smrithis and their functions?
Read: 43164
Q: Other than the Vedas and the posterior Upanishads, what are the other books that authentically elucidate the Vedas? Can they be considered on par with the Vedas as authoritative?
Read: 44350
Q: A book with the title "108 Upanishads" has been published and a few more Upanishads have been published. Are all these true?
Read: 47745
Q: How are the Vedas called in Sanskrit and in tamil and what do they mean or convey?
Read: 44081
Q: What are the merits of the Vedas?
Read: 44953
Q: What are the subjects elucidated in the two sections of the Vedas?
Read: 44150
Q: Are Upanishads and Vedantha part of the Vedas?
Read: 43639